Additional information for schools
I currently serve many state schools in Gloucestershire.
My assessments/interventions can come in many shapes and forms:
I can work in a constructive way e.g. using consultative/solution-focused techniques or by combining observations, individual working with the child/young person, and then holding a problem-solving meeting with staff and/or parents. I can also carry out full cognitive assessments. In either situation, I always like to gather detailed information from school staff and parents (via a structured form) before my assessment.
I can also work with small groups or individuals to develop skills and strategies to support learning or social/emotional skills.
I have recently introduced the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to staff at a local school, and can run group or individual EFT therapy sessions to support issues such as anxiety/anger/self-confidence.
‘Sessions’ can be booked in advance over a term or academic year, and support can be purchased and invoiced by the hour or for each full cognitive assessment carried out, depending on the needs of the school and child/young person.
I can be directed by the needs of individual schools and will always advise on the best use of time while gaining the information needed to support the child/young person.
It is important to know that an Independent Educational Psychologist’s report can contribute towards the application for an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) and can be used by the LA EP when writing their advice.
I can offer a range of training sessions or workshops for teachers or parents, on a variety of topics.
Popular training sessions include:
- Identifying and supporting dyslexia.
- Identifying and supporting dyscalculia.
- Processing difficulties: auditory processing, memory, cognitive and verbal processing speed.
- Overview of neurodiversity.
- Introduction to the Emotional Freedom Technique and how it can be used within schools to support anxiety/anger/self-confidence.
- Working memory.
- Understanding the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences/trauma and attachment theory.
- Supporting the learning brain (a session for parents or older pupils).
- Executive functions and the rise in attention difficulties.
To find out more, please contact me.